HUSEI training services

One of the key points of the mission of the Hungarian Software Engineering Institute (HUSEI) is to create and maintain an adaptive environment for the effective transfer of knowledge and skills to improve the software engineering capabilities of industry and academia in Hungary according to actively monitored industry needs.

A key part of the knowledge transfer performed by HUSEI is based on its partnership with ESI@net, a world-wide network of partners of the European Software Institute (ESI)  promoting ESI services and products including training courses and tutorials.

ESI’s broad training portfolio allows our customers to progress from an introduction to SPI topics to more advanced  specialised courses that deal with the diagnosis and implementation of SPI-based programmes. The training services  cater for the software engineer working as a programmer, systems analyst, quality staff, SPI champion, project leader or manager of a team of engineers.


The training courses and tutorials are available through two different channels:

The Open Training Programme

This programme offers training to the open market at specified times and locations. Most courses on the programme are developed and delivered by ESI staff, or by selected organisations in collaboration with ESI.

In-Company Training Service

This service is specifically targeted to those organisations that wish to train a large number of staff in a selected course or set of courses. We can deliver the complete training package on demand within a reasonable turn-around period. The package includes the course materials, presentation slides, course instructor and a reliable feedback mechanism that ensures the customer has achieved its objectives.

Introductory and advanced technical courses on the key models and assessment

Introduction to Software Process Improvement (2 days)

The basic concepts in the area of software process improvement and assessment, how they relate to each other and the differences between them.

Introduction to the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) (3 days)

In-depth training on the technical aspects of the CMM that is fully approved by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and is a prerequisite for the Capability Maturity Model® Based Appraisal for Internal Process Improvement (CBA IPI) Lead Assessor Training.

SPICE (ISO/IEC 15504) Training (5 days)

Intensive training on the SPICE (ISO/IEC 15504) model, with a strong emphasis on the practice of assessment tasks. The first step to becoming a qualified SPICE (ISO/IEC 15504) assessor.

The Benefits of Reuse (2 days)

Training in the use of product-line based reuse within an organisation demonstrating how an SPI plan, based on reuse, can directly benefit the business objectives of your organisation.


High-level tutorials target the senior managers of software-intensive organisations (SIO). The objective of a tutorial is to present Software Process Improvement in a language that the Senior Manager or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) can relate to in real business  terms.

The tutorials intend to convince senior managers of the benefits of adopting a particular SPI technology, and to clearly demonstrate the benefits of SPI with case studies and real life examples. The tutorials are a mechanism to get the essential sponsorship at the right level in an SIO. This is a key precondition of the success of any SPI programme.

The duration of tutorials is: 4 – 6 hours.

The structure covers the following types of questions a senior manager may have  before launching an SPI programme:


The Software Capability Maturity Model for Senior Managers tutorial provides software organisations with guidance on how to gain control of their processes for developing and maintaining software and how to evolve toward a culture of software engineering  and management excellence.