to the English language public event

Software Quality Across Different Regions

jointly organised by
the Software Quality Management Division of the John von Neumann Computer Society
and the MTA SZTAKI Hungarian Software Engineering Institute (HUSEI)

place: MTA SZTAKI, 1111 Budapest Kende u. 13-17. - Nagytanácsterem

time: June 7, 2001. Thursday, 9:00 – 13:00

The following presentations, performed with the support of the SQUAD (Software Quality Across Different Regions) European initiative and the EU CENTER of EXCELLENCE contract HUN-TING of MTA SZTAKI, will give our participants a unique insight into the world class software quality and software process improvement related results of three South-American countries Brasil, Chile, and Venezuela, in addition to Denmark, UK, and Italy:

1.      Software product quality: The next generation of international standards

by Jorgen Boegh, DENMARK, Head of the Danish delegation to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 and editor of ISO/IEC 14598 Parts 3 and 6.

2.      Software Testing: the data-flow and mutation approaches

by Prof. José Carlos Maldonado, BRASIL, Full professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brasil.

3.      A Brazilian Software Product Quality Evaluation Method

by Regina Maria Thienne Colombo, BRASIL,  Member of the Software Subcommittee of Technical Standards Brazilian Association, working with ISO/IEC 12207 and Software Product Quality Standards (ISO/IEC 9126, 12119 and series 14598).

4.      Software Quality Control in an object-oriented development process

by Francisca Losavio, VENEZUELA, Titular Professor at the Univ. Central de Venezuela and co-ordinates the ISYS Research Centre.

5.      Controlling Software Process Improvement

by Marcello Visconti, CHILE, Assistant Professor at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.

6.      The SQUID (Software QUality In the Development process) method

by Stefano De Panfilis, ITALY, Doctor with laude in Mathematics from the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Manager of numerous European projects, author of several scientific papers in the area of software engineering which have appeared in international journals and conferences proceedings.

7.      DESMET evaluation of methods or tools within a particular organisation

by Stephen Linkman, UK, a leading researcher and a recognised authority on risk, metrics, software process control, software verification, validation and testing, and maintenance.

Looking forward to welcoming you!

Please register in advance with your name, company, and notification parameters at

Dr. Biró Miklós
fax: 209-5269, e-mail: < >